Edward Scissor Fish

Private collection

This most amazing creature is Edward Scissor Fish. He was a kit from Beadalot Enterprises Inc. (they seem to no longer exist), although I added a little and changed a little. I just love him!

He is probably my favorite of all of my “odd little figures” that sit in a happy group where I can always see them. He was intended as a scissor fob. His mouth is lined with suede and embroidery scissors will fit right in. He is not practical as a scissor fob for someone who lives with cats. Cats that think beading is all about them. I rescued him three times from a furry ones mouth, and decided he could go up with my oddities instead!

He is completely handmade. He came with a pattern, fabric, and beads. He is completely decorated with bead embroidery, head to toe, ummm… tail, and truly just gorgeous, if I do say so myself. There is a view here of his top and belly. He is kind of squashed, so I need to get a picture of him sitting up. You can not see his top fin so well, or how his mouth opens.

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