Eagle Feather Amulet Bag

Private collection
Once again, I had to answer the question, “What do you bead for the men in your life?” I made this amulet bag for my Dad, for Fathers Day a few years ago.

I tried very hard to keep it as masculine as possible. The fringe got a little out of hand, but I could not help myself. I could just see what it would look like in my head, if I only added this, and then this, and then made the pattern in it, do this… So, it has more fringe than I intended.

It is quite large, although I could wear it comfortably because the chain is long enough to support it.

For my dads purposes, I made a shadow box with hinges on the back and put the amulet bag in with U pins, so that he could hang it on the wall, but could also take it out easily to show off.

The piece took about 120 hours of actual beading, plus many more designing, and troubleshooting. I learned a stitch that was new to me for the strap, it is called a Dayna Chain. It is a great looking chain, it undulates with different sized beads, but either the stitch or the thread I tried for the first time, Silamide (c), made my fingers bleed. Or maybe it was a combination.

Anyway, I am quite proud of it, and I think the fringe is the best I have done to date.
To see some journaling about the process of making this amulet bag, go to my art blog at TCDesignsArtBlog.blogspot.com