Bead & Button’s Right-Angle Weave Issue

I got the best magazine in the mail the other day! It is a special issue of Bead and Button Magazine, all about right-angle weave. They put this together so well, and there are a couple of projects I would really like to make.
If you mouse over the picture of the magazine and click on it, it will take you to the order page for it, and there are pictures of some of the projects in the magazine there. The third picture down is a Slide Pendant by Cindy Kinerson of Reno Bead Shop. It is so cool! I am going to take myself through the instructions in the magazine and then attempt to make the pendant, and will post pictures as I go.
The basic instructions seem really good, and there are some great tips and hints by renowned bead artist David Chatt, take a look at his website, it is just amazing!
I realized as I was going through the magazine, that I have been working off and on for years now, on a piece that is right angle weave. I thought I did not know how to do it at all. I was wrong, the magazine was still worth it. The piece is a beaded scarf. It will be very long, so it can be worn dangling down the back of someone wearing a backless gown. It will have Swarovski (c) crystals for the fringe on the ends, and is done in all silver-lined, dusty pink. Really elegant and really sparkly!

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