Art House Journal-Random Pages

These are just some random pages in My Art House Journal.

In one of them you can see my frustration at the doctors office. I kept have these test done, where they stick needles in you and then, run electricity through the needles. Not fun! I was waiting to go in after x-rays and dreading the needle portion when I did this page.

Both of these pages, I had painted the backgrounds on, long before I journaled and drew the hand, and the page ideas.

The other, is some ideas I was running through. Just brainstorming, while sitting at the doctors office. I also was making lists of things to do. I think, by looking at some of the list here, that I must have been preparing for a surgery date.

I almost always bring a journal and supplies with me to wait, and usually some bead work. I sell a lot of my bead work at doctors offices and physical therapy offices. A good tip, if you sell your work. Work on it everywhere! It gets people to ask you questions, and if you are good at talking to people about it, it can lead to sales. To see my bead work visit