AvailableThis bracelet is squared stitched with Nymo (c) thread, and is so supple and fluid, it feels great on. It is a mix of triangular beads in maroons and lavenders.It is 7″ (with silver-toned hook and eye clasp) x 1″. Read more →

AvailableThis bracelet is squared stitched with Nymo (c) thread, and is so supple and fluid, it feels great on. It is a mix of triangular beads in maroons and lavenders.It is 7″ (with silver-toned hook and eye clasp) x 1″. Read more →
AvailableI am really enjoying rings lately.A little more instant gratification I guess. This ring is done on elastic, many layers of elastic, soit is very secure. It is a size 6 ring, but will stretch to a size 7. The center bead is an opaque pink Swarovski (c) crystal,and it makes beautiful rainbows.The green beads on either sideof it are… Read more →
Edward T. Bear is the ruler of our house. He rules with a kind, but very firm paw. We got him when he was 3 weeks old. The day he was let out of confinement (for health and safety) he weighed less than a pound, and he chased our then alpha male cat who outweighed him by 12 or 13… Read more →
This is my incredibly “artistic” desk. Kind of messy, even when I can get to it. There is a pile of my journals on the right, including my beading journal (the gold one), which I have not been able to lay my hands on for close to 6 months. Wish I could find it! Read more →
I am not sure why I have started this blog. I guess I have been enjoying putting together TCDesignsStudio.blogspot.com so much that I thought I would make more. It will be an extension of my journals, I guess. I really enjoy working in them and will share them with anyone who asks, so how is that different? These pictures are… Read more →
Private collectionAnother flat herringbone bracelet, this one in pale yellows and golds. The design is so delicate, with windows and bridges worked into the center. The clasp is handmade from a frosted glass beadwrapped in bands of tiny yellow beads. The loop side of the clasphas lots of luscious fringe with vintage yellowglass flowers dangling. Read more →
Private collectionThe Swag Bagette, is probably the most elegant of the Bagette series. It is worked in deep purples, coppers, and gun-metal grey (from hematite). The twirled rounds in the fringe are vintage German glass and have an amazing depth of color and texture. They are one of my favorites of all my vintage beads. I think it measured somewhere… Read more →
Private collectionA really fun bracelet, this is done on elastic with a herringbone stitch. It is two long strands that switch color schemes half way. They are then “knotted” together then joined at the ends. Read more →
An example of some wonderful kits from a place called Second Story Online, which no longer exists as far as I can tell. She opened a store in the Dallas Texas area, but now I can not find a listing for it. Her kits taught me a lot of the stitches and techniques that I use today. Kits are a… Read more →
I am a landlocked beach girl. I grew up just miles from the beach, and now have no access to it. The upshot of that is, I do gravitate towards ocean-y colors. It makes me happy to work in them. Case in point, this 7″ ( with silver-toned clasp) bracelet in gorgeous blues and crystal. The bracelet is comprised of… Read more →